
The power of sun light in architectural and design projects maximixed by aluminum sheets

The power of sun light in architectural and design projects maximixed by aluminum sheets

In today’s world, where sustainability and energy efficiency are of utmost importance, the conversation about greener buildings has gained significant momentum. The emphasis on reducing energy consumption and minimising environmental impact has led to innovative approaches in building design and management.

A key area of focus is lighting, which significantly affects both the energy efficiency and the environmental footprint of buildings. With buildings in Europe responsible for a considerable portion of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, the shift towards more sustainable practices is not only advantageous but essential.

The importance of natural light in achieving greener buildings cannot be overstated, with lighting systems playing a crucial role in environmental sustainability. Innovations such as sun-reflective aluminium sheets are at the forefront of this movement, offering not just enhanced energy efficiency but also improved comfort and well-being for occupants.

These developments represent a significant advance towards more ecologically sustainable living conditions, embodying the shift towards integrating sustainability into the very fabric of our built environments.

More natural light for greener buildings

When it comes to building management, energy efficiency is important not only to cut costs but also because it is linked to the environmental impact of the building. The sustainability of buildings in Europe is a crucial topic: according to official data, buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumed and 36% of energy related GHG emissions.

Lighting systems play an important role in the sustainability of buildings: according to the European Commission, lighting accounts for about 15% of the total energy consumption in buildings in Europe. Today, approximately 75% of the buildings in the EU are not energy efficient, resulting in a significant waste of energy.

To address this issue, it is crucial to enhance existing buildings and prioritise smart solutions and energy efficient materials during the construction of new houses. In architecture, therefore, energy efficiency has become a topic that has to be considered during the design process.

Amid escalating energy demands and environmental concerns, the adoption of sun-reflective aluminium sheets in building design stands out as a transformative strategy. This approach not only advances energy efficiency but also marks the dawn of a new era in sustainable architecture. By harnessing solar radiation, sun-reflective aluminium sheets offer a dual-purpose solution: they diminish the need for artificial lighting and reduce the load on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Given that these systems are often powered by less sustainable energy sources, their integration with solar-reflective technology represents a significant step towards greener buildings.

Furthermore, sun-reflective aluminium surfaces play a pivotal role in solar concentrating systems, essential for redirecting sunlight to where it’s most needed. This capability is crucial for the ongoing energy transition, promising to make buildings more sustainable by optimizing the use of renewable energy sources. As such, these reflective sheets are set to become increasingly vital in our pursuit of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly architectural solutions.

By choosing the right partner, it is possible to develop optimised surfaces for these applications, as well as to explore innovative applications, thanks to the high customisation possibilities of reflective aluminum sheets.

Sun-reflective aluminium sheets: high efficiency and comfort for many applications

The versatility and adaptability of reflective aluminum sheets pave the way for a seamless transition from theory to practice in sustainable building design. With the right collaboration, the potential for creating optimised surfaces tailored to specific needs becomes limitless. This opens up a realm of possibilities not just in terms of energy efficiency but also in broadening the scope of applications.

Aluminum, with its unique properties, stands at the forefront of this innovation, ready to transform spaces across various sectors. Its treatment possibilities, as well as its malleability, make reflective surfaces made of this metal suitable for many applications: from use in domestic environments to applications in offices, hotels, restaurants, and many other facilities. This is because, as mentioned, the possibility of maximising the use of sunlight – thus reducing the use of artificial lighting systems – contributes not only to reducing energy consumption, but also to improving the comfort and health of those who live in or use that environment.

Just think of the effects of sunlight on people’s health. Among these we could mention:

  • Circadian Rhythm: our body’s internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, regulates various physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles. Exposure to natural light during the day helps synchronise this rhythm, promoting better sleep at night. By maximising sunlight radiation, we can support a healthy circadian rhythm, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep. Adequate sleep is vital for overall physical and mental well-being, as it enhances cognitive function, concentration, and immune system function.
  • Mood and Mental Health: sunlight is a natural mood booster. The warmth and brightness of the sun stimulate the production of serotonin, a hormone that promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. By increasing serotonin levels, sunlight can help alleviate symptoms of depression, improve mood, and reduce the risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). So, by basking in the sunlight, we can enhance our mental health and experience a greater sense of positivity and contentment.
  • Vision and Eye Health: solar illumination tends to be softer and less intense than artificial lighting sources, minimising glare and providing a better balance. Balanced and evenly distributed lighting that reduces glare and provides adequate illumination is crucial for visual comfort and eye health.
  • Productivity and Performance: sunlight brings a connection to the outdoors and nature, which has shown to have a positive impact on well-being and productivity. The presence of natural elements, such as sunlight, greenery, and views of nature, has been associated with increased productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction.

The role of sun-reflective aluminium sheets in daylighting systems

Given the high energy consumption for which lighting systems are responsible, maximising the use of natural light is essential to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and, as we have seen, the comfort and well-being for people using the interior spaces.

Daylighting systems are an extremely important element in achieving these goals as they allow natural light to be redirected and redistributed more efficiently, thanks to high reflective surfaces that can be used in different elements of the building: from vaults specifically designed to illuminate the core of the building to venetian blinds made of high reflective mirrors.

In indoor dark environments, for example, high reflective aluminium surfaces can be used to maximise the efficiency of daylight systems composed by “solar domes” and “solar tubes” that allow to illuminate the environment even in dark days or during the nighttime. In these systems, natural light is captured, amplified, and redirected inside tubes and pipes which are coated with high reflective aluminium surfaces. As the light is “guided” down the tubes, reflective surfaces help minimises losses due to multiple reflections and provide high colour rendering for a better visual comfort.

These systems allow daylight to illuminate enclosed spaces, both small (such as private homes) and large buildings, such as shopping centres and offices, with natural light, thus reducing the costs of lighting and providing a more comfortable environment.

However, these applications do not come without their challenges, especially with regard to the risk of glare or heat from the increased reflectivity of sunlight. Therefore, the reflective materials used in daylighting systems must be designed to take these requirements into account by combining efficiency, elegance, and comfort.

How reflective aluminum sheets help maximise sunlight

As we have seen, aluminum sheets can be utilised to maximise sunlight in lighting applications thanks to their reflective properties. When properly designed and placed, aluminum sheets can act as reflectors or diffusers, redirecting and spreading natural light in desired directions, thus reducing energy consumption associated with artificial lighting systems.

In addition, the reflective properties of anodised aluminium can be further enhanced with PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) treatment. The most innovative sheets realised with PVD treatment can significantly improve the reflectors’ optical performance and increase their efficiency by 20% compared to the already high levels of anodised aluminium, thanks to their extraordinary reflectance.

Almeco’s innovative solution for efficient and comfortable daylighting systems

Thanks to its expertise in aluminium processing and an innovative approach, Almeco has developed vega, highly reflective aluminium which is ideal for the applications in daylighting systems as it combines the proven quality of aluminium anodising processes with the most advanced technology of vacuum coating, known as PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition), guaranteeing a lighting reflectance of at least 98% with both isotropic and anisotropic distribution.

Produced in its innovative Bernburg line, vega can be incorporated into advanced double-glazing systems with variable dimming angle to redirect light where it is needed while avoiding direct glare and providing a pleasant result. In fact, vega has a uniform spectral reflectance response over almost all of the visible range, with only a small lowering of reflectivity in the violet part of the spectrum. This leads to a neutral colour rendition with a slight tendency for yellow with light reflected in the tube at a shallow angle.

With a variety of choices in terms of finishes and patterns, vega is a perfect example of what characterises the company’s offering and approach, which arise from Almeco’s commitment to bringing into the market innovative solutions for a brighter and more sustainable future.